Last update:  22/01/25   9:32

Sunrise:  8:32

Sunset:  17:16

Forecast by the weatherstation:
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation likely. Windy with possible wind shift to the W, NW, or N.

Moon Phase:

Outsite Temperature Grass Temperature

high 1.7 °C at 9:23
low -0.5 °C at  1:53

low -4.4 °C at 1:44

Dew Point Outside Humidity

high 1.7 °C at  9:09
low -1.1 °C at 1:53

high 99 % at  7:58
low 97 % at 0:00

Wind Chill Solar Radiation

low -1.1 °C at 

high solar radiation
23  W/m² at  9:26

Barometer Day Rain

high 1010.7  hPa
low 1005.0   hPa

high rain rate
0.0  mm/h at  ----

Month Rain Year Rain

Rain this month

Rain this year


wind direction 88 °


high  6.4 km/h at  8:22

10 min gemiddelde windsnelheid

10 min average windspeed 0.0 km/u
This is on the Beaufort Wind Scale: