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Weatherstation Vantage Pro
The most of the measurements are made with the wireless weatherstation Vantage Pro2 from Davis Instruments.
The station includes these components:
WeatherLink and datalogger
Rain collector
Outside temperature and humidity sensors
Solar Radiation Sensor
Wireless Temperature Station
The internet connection
The console displays the weather information and offer forecasting, on-screen graphing, and much more. The console is also a powerful weather computer, collecting, storing and displaying historical weather data. Quick view icons show the forecast at a glance —sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, rain or snow— while a moving ticker-tape display gives more details.
A barometric pressure, a humidity and a temperature sensor is built-in. Eight phases of the moon, the sunrise and sunset times are calculated.
WeatherLink software, datalogger and computer
The WeatherLink datalogger stores the weatherdata even when the computer is off.
The WeatherLink software allows to connect the personal computer to the weather station to store, view, plot, analyze, export and print weather data collected in de data logger.
You can choose a storage interval of 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, or 120 minutes and then you can store up to six months' worth of data, depending on the chosen storage interval.
On the instant weather bulletin, summary, or graph data on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis, you can see current conditions at a glance.
You can generate Weather Watcher reports in National Climatic Data Center (NOAA) format.
You can post weather conditions to your web site and upload other files (such as images from a webcam).
Rain collector
The rain collector with self emptying tipping bucket has a resolution of 0.2 mm rain.
Outside temperature and humidity sensors
For improved accuracy, temperature and humidity sensors are housed inside an active ventilated radiation shield. The multi-plate shield protects against solar radiation and other sources of radiated and reflected heat and guarantees a maximum of airflow.
Transmitter and battery are located aside the radiation shield in a weatherresistent housing.
The wind speed and wind direction are measured with these sensors.
Solar Radiation Sensor
The solar radiation is a measure of the intensity of the sun's radiation reaching a horizontal surface. This irradiance includes both the direct component from the sun and the reflected component from the rest of the sky. The solar radiation reading gives a measure of the amount of solar radiation hitting the solar radiation sensor at any given time, expressed in Watts/sq.m (W/m²)
Wireless Temperature Station
This station measures the temperature just above a grass field, that means the grass-temperature. The station communicates directly to the Vantage Pro console. It includes a stainless steel temperature probe. That probe is a platinium wire thermistor that produces a resistance change proportional to temperature. It is battery powered.